Restricting System Time Changes

HomeGuard effectively blocks system time changes to prevent users from circumventing application and web blocking restrictions. This feature is crucial for maintaining the integrity of usage limits and ensuring that users cannot alter their device's clock to bypass imposed restrictions. The system time blocking is highly configurable, allowing administrators to tailor these settings for individual users based on their needs. Additionally, HomeGuard offers the flexibility to exclude specific users from these restrictions, providing a customizable approach that balances control with user-specific requirements. This ensures that the application and web blocking rules remain effective and that the integrity of the usage policies is upheld.

How to Allow specific Users to Change System Time

Open the settings section of HomeGuard and go to the "Main Settings" page. Scroll down to the "System Time Changes" section and toggle "Don't Allow Any User to Change System Time". Then add the users you want to allow to change system time in the list below.

How to Block Pornhub with HomeGuard

System Time Changes Blocking.